
Tide your opinion

He was our hero in his own weird way. that motherfucker who could stand the rabble. the wrecks. the hot sauce tampons in the hair going 80 on a connecticut highway. chugging along in his mom's station wagon while we lost our minds and i lost my pants and there weren't even the right drugs to speak of yet but shit yeah, johnny were we trying our good goddamndest.

And so he saw it all, through his madness.

Slowly amassing the man that would stand as a champion of net gains and the fucking arcane references that stump you in puzzles alone, hungover some saturday staring down the end of a hair dog bite and wishing you could remember who you said goodnight, irene, goodnight to...not that you were playing the patent male so much as you were disappearing into the joy of the evening and hoping there was no inappropriate behavior there left to speak of.

He was/is/fucking well ought to be male enough for us all.

And i love him.

Not just for the fifteen years he invested as the one motherfucker i knew well would always be my friend.

But because he always embraced his mistakes. held true to his decisions and even after long whiskeys lamenting the untold passings of others he could still wake up and stand the cold silhouette of manhattan.

And always FUCKING always shaped a future better for it.

Choices Made.mp3

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